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HS Shell Menu 1.02

HS Shell Menu 1.02

HS Shell Menu Publisher's Description

ALL IN ONE PACKET 20 programs in one ::Design your folders::Copy or Move and Rename file(s) without any questions like (the file already exist replace it)::Open any CD-roms drive::Find work folder in 2 clicks::Explore Rooted now very easy to use::Encrypt or Decrypt any file(s)::Cascade any folder on Start menu without any work::Add any folder or file to your send to menu::Change extension of any file::Change date of any file(s)::command prompt for any folder::Change attributes for any file or folder::Register and Unregister system components in 2 clicks::View folder size::Record / Play your mouse actions::Securely Shred any file(s):: Just 2 clicks. Try it FREE

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